Pagination UI Design using HTML CSS & JavaScript

2 min readDec 22, 2020
Pagination UI Design using HTML CSS & JavaScript

Hey friends, today in this blog you’ll learn how to create Fully Functional Pagination Design using HTML CSS & JavaScript. In the earlier blog, I’ve also shared many pagination designs but these paginations are not functional and these were created only for design purposes. Now I’m going to create a fully functional and easy to navigate pagination in JavaScript.

You may know, Pagination is a method or process of dividing the web pages, or a section of content into discrete/many pages. Pagination plays an important role in the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) of your website and it is also important and most used in web design.

In this design [Pagination UI Design], there is a pagination with the previous and next button and some numbers. I already told you, this is fully functional pagination so when you click on the next or previous button, the number of the pagination also changed accordingly. There is a total of 20 pages or numbers but you can easily add more according to your web pages. If you want to see this pagination and how it is created then you can watch a full video tutorial on this program [Pagination UI Design].

Video Tutorial of Pagination UI Design

Video Tutorial of Pagination UI Design

In the video, you’ve seen the fully functional pagination and how it is created. In this tutorial, I’ve only shown the pagination but I’ll make another tutorial soon, where I’ll add this pagination with web pages. If you’re a beginner then you may have difficulty understanding the JavaScript codes of this program but I did my best to explain each JavaScript line with comments and don’t worry you’ll easily understand the code once you downloaded the source files of this program.

If you like this pagination design and want to get source codes of this then you can easily copy the codes from the given boxes or you can also download the source code files from the download button. If you have knowledge of backend languages like PHP, then you can easily integrate this pagination on your website.

Pagination UI Design in JavaScript [Source Codes]

To create this program [Pagination UI Design]. First, you need to create two files one HTML File and another one is CSS File. After creating these files just paste the following codes into your files. You can also download the source code files from this given link. Click here to download code files.

Originally published at on December 22, 2020.




CodingNepal is a blog where we post blogs related to HTML, CSS, JavaScript & PHP along with creative coding stuff.