Login & Signup Form with Email Verification using PHP and MySQL

3 min readSep 7, 2020


Hello readers, Today in this blog you’ll learn how to create a Login & Signup Form with Email Verification using PHP and MySQL. Earlier I have shared a blog on How to configure XAMPP to send Mail from Localhost in PHP? If you haven’t still watched this then I want to suggest you, first read that blog and continue this, because in that I’ve reached you how to configure XAMPP before sending mail from the localhost.

Login & Signup Form with Email Verification using PHP and MySQL
Login & Signup Form with Email Verification using PHP and MySQL

As we all know, the login and & Signup Form is the set of different input fields — Name, Email, Username, Password, etc. which are used to authenticate users before giving access to the site. In our program [log in & Signup Form with Email Verification], there are seven PHP files and one is a CSS file means there are a total of eight files in our user name folder.

At first, on the webpage, there is shown only a login form and inside the login form, there is a signup now link to redirect the user to the first signup before login. When the user tries to login without even signup the form, there is displayed an error message labeled as “It looks like you’re not yet a member! Click on the bottom link to signup”.

In the signup form, while the user is signing up, if he enters the same email, which already exists in our database then there is displayed an error message labeled as “Email that you’ve entered is already exist!”. And when the user doesn’t match two password combinations, there is also displayed an error message labeled as “Your confirm password not matched”.

When the user filled up all the required inputs correctly, then a six-digit verification code number is sent to the user email and he will be redirected to the OTP Verification page. If the user entered the wrong code, there is displayed an error message labeled as “You’ve entered incorrect code!”. If the user exit the OTP verification code page without entered valid or correct verification code and come to the login page to log in with the same email and password which he used to sign up, then he will be again redirected to the OTP page and there is displayed an info message labeled as “It looks like you’ve not verified your email”.

When the user entered the correct verification code, then he will be redirected to the Home Page. On the home page, there is a navbar with a logo on the top left corner and the logout button on the top right corner. At the center of the home page, there is a welcome message with the name of the user which he entered while signing up the form. And when the user clicked on the logout button, he will be redirected to the login page and at this time he can log in with their correct email and password and will be directly redirected to the home page without redirecting to any other page.

If you’re feeling difficult to understand what I am saying. You can watch a full video tutorial on this program (Login & Signup Form with Email Verification).

Video Tutorial of Login & Signup Form with Email Verification

Video Tutorial of Login & Signup Form with Email Verification

To create this program (Login & Signup Form with Email Verification). First, you need to create eight files — login-user.php, signup-user.php, controllerUserData.php, user-otp.php, home.php, logout-user.php, connection.php, and style.css. You can also download the source code files through the given link. Click here to download source code files.

Originally published at https://www.codingnepalweb.com on September 7, 2020.




Written by CodingNepal

CodingNepal is a blog dedicated to providing valuable and informative content about web development technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.

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