How to Detect Browser in JavaScript

2 min readJun 27, 2021


How to Detect Browser in JavaScript
How to Detect Browser in JavaScript

Hey friends, today in this blog you’ll learn How to Detect Browser in JavaScript. To detect user browser, I’ll use only HTML CSS & JavaScript. In the eariler blog, I have shared how to detect AdBlocker and Network Connection Status in JavaScript and now it’s time to create a simple program that detect browser in JavaScript.

In this small project (Detect Browser in JavaScript), as you can see in the preview image, there is a ‘Browser’ text with different browser logos Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, etc.

Now you can see that all logos have their full opacity but when you open this HTML page on any of the given browsers then all logos will be fade out except one browser logo that you’re currently using. If you are feeling difficulties with what I’m saying then you can watch a demo or full video tutorial of this Detect Browser in JavaScript.

Video Tutorial of Detect Browser in JavaScript

Video Tutorial of Detect Browser in JavaScript

In the video, you have seen the demo of this small project and how I created this Browser Detection program using JavaScript. I hope you have understood the basic codes behind creating this Detect Browser in JavaScript.

To detect the browser, I have used a JavaScript navigator object. This object contains information about the browser. This JavaScript object is used for browser detection as well to get different information related to the browser.

At first, I gave opacity 0.3 to all browser logos and in JavaScript, using navigator.userAgent object I got the information about the browser and then using if/else if statements I matched the particular string (browser name) in the browser information that I got recently using the navigator.userAgent.

If the given string is matched then I passed the browser name in the browser variable. Now I got which browser being used by the user. After I got it, simply I selected this browser class name which is an img tag and gave opacity 1.

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How to Detect Browser in JavaScript [Source Codes]

You can download the source code files of Detect Browser program from this given link. Click here to download code files.

Originally published at on June 27, 2021.




Written by CodingNepal

CodingNepal is a blog dedicated to providing valuable and informative content about web development technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.

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