Detect AdBlock using HTML CSS & JavaScript — CodingNepal
Hey friends, today in this blog you’ll learn how to Detect AdBlock using JavaScript. In the earlier blog, I have shared how to Detect Internet Connection Status using JavaScript and now it’s time to create a popup box using JavaScript that detects AdBlocker. If you’re new to this blog and it’s the first blog you’re viewing then click here to view playlists of our all JavaScript Projects on YouTube.
AdBlocker is a content filtering or web browser extension that blocks different online ads that interrupt your browsing experience. It helps the user to prevent unintended pop-ups, flashing banners, online advertisements from being displayed. I don’t recommend you to use AdBlocker on a free site like ours which has the main income source is displaying ads and giving you helpful content because the website needs money to stay free and it’s only possible if you view or click on their ads.
In our program [Detect AdBlock using JavaScript], as you can see in the preview image there is a popup box with some text and a button to dismiss the popup. If the user has enabled AdBlocker then this popup will be displayed and if not then this popup will not be displayed.
Video Tutorial of Detect AdBlock using JavaScript
In the video, you’ve seen how this Adblocker Detector looks like and how I created using only HTML CSS & JavaScript. The codes and concept behind creating this detector are so simple and you can easily understand codes even if you’re a beginner. When AdBlock is enabled then it avoids some classes, id, scripts from rendering on the user browser.
Here are some classes ad, ads, ad-banner, ad-box, ad-badge
that AdBlocker adds display: none; property to hide from the visitors. So we've created an element and added these classes in it and check what this element is returning. If AdBlocker is enabled then obviously it'll return display: none; because adblocker will add none value to hide it and if adblocker is not enabled then it returns display: block;
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Detect AdBlock using JavaScript [Source Codes]
To create this program [Detect AdBlock using JavaScript]. First, you need to create two Files one HTML and another one is CSS File. After creating these files just paste the following codes into your file. You can also download the source code files of this AdBlock Detector from the given link. Click here to download code files.
Originally published at on May 24, 2021.